Detox Diet

recipe iconAccompanying recipe: Detox Tea

Are you ready to end that battle of wanting health but eating a donut?  You can do so. You can enjoy greater health and well being.

Your first step is to which means taking a break from toxins. From today, to the best of your ability, forego stimulants and chemicals. You’re not doing this as a punishment or penance.  It’s for one reason only…to be more alive. Along with your , enjoy healthy meals, then you can pass on junky food.

As you’ve probably already discovered, really wanting to eat well is not enough. The secret is being satisfied for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then your cravings typically disappear. (Unless, that is, you’ve a food sensitivity or allergy, then a short-term cleansing diet helps identify food sensitivities.)

The day has come. Go thru your cupboards, pantry and fridge and toss or recycle every stimulant and chemical-containing food as well as those containing shoddy sweeteners and fats.

You’re doing an inner scrub to shed the substances that compromise your well being. When you scour a blackened pot, the dishwater gets funky but the pot emerges clean.  Likewise, as your cells release the acidic toxins, you’ll feel—in a word—toxic. You may experience fatigue, headaches, and irritability or even flu-like symptoms.  Fortunately, these symptoms rarely last more than three or four days. Then a welcome clarity and levity sets in.  Consult with your health care practitioner regarding your .

Consider that you’re in recovery. So don’t risk hanging out with your old drinking or drug-using pals.  Or, if your Tuesday afternoon venue is tea and pastries with a friend, change it to a walk and talk.

Baking soda will alkalinize your system and ease ache.  Every two hours, or as needed, take up to one teaspoon of baking soda in eight-ounces of water. Baking soda is also available as AlkaSeltzer Gold.

Be forewarned, by going without, you’ll crave precisely the unwanted toxins and stimulants that you’re avoiding.  During this critical start-up period, mentally prep yourself to duke it out with these cravings and to discover that you’re the strongest.

Fortunately, your best ally is at hand…good food. Consistently enjoying balanced meals will minimize your food cravings.

Soon, you’re simply eating well because it’s habitual and it feels good. You’ve wisely rejected dietary confusion and you’re relishing deep nurture.

My ebook, Clean and Free details an easy to follow . It includes Menu Plans and 37 Recipes.

May you be well nourished,

Rebecca Wood

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