The Varicose Vein and Blood Sugar Connection

Blood sugar irregularities underly varicose and spider veins according to Five Element Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM). This is also true for hemorrhoids, which are nothing more than swollen veins in the anus, as well as the vulvar varicosity experienced by some pregnant women. And the more translucent skin of infants and toddlers can display swollen “sugar bug” veins on their nose bridge.

As their name suggests, spider veins look like a delicate red or bluish web visible through your skin. Small patches of spider veins are commonplace from middle age onward, though they can appear as early as the teenage years. These pain-free veins typically occur on the face or behind the knees.

Larger varicose veins lie deeper within the body and so their blue tinge is less noticeable. As these twisting and ropy veins enlarge and distend, they are regarded as unsightly. And they can painfully throb, burn, cramp and swell. While any vein may become varicose, the veins most commonly affected are those in your legs and feet.

Maintain Healthy Veins

In order to practice prevention, let’s understand what causes varicosity to best take advantage of both Eastern and Western wisdom. Your heart pumps blood throughout your body via your arteries. If the one-way regulatory valves between your arteries and veins become lax, then blood back flows and becomes trapped in the veins. This is varicosity.

The operative question is how do we maintain healthy veins? The current medical paradigm is that vein (venous) insufficiency or laxity is the result of poor circulation and weakened elasticity. So we’re advised to avoid standing or sitting for long periods, to exercise, to not cross our legs, and to elevate our feet when seated. Aging, obesity and multiple pregnancies increase the risk of varicosity, as does a poor diet or wearing high heels or tight hosiery. That’s sound advice; now Five Elements offers additional support.

Too Many Carbs Overextend Vascular Valves

Our veins are stretchable, and when we eat excess carbohydrates our blood sugar jumps, causing venous swelling. Then, like a yo-yo, as the blood sugar crashes, the veins contract. Over time, our once elastic veins lose tone, just as a rubber band becomes lax with extended use. Eventually these overworked valves don’t close properly. One way to maintain vascular health, is to minimize blood sugar spikes. To do so, using Traditional Chinese Medicine terminology, support your spleen/pancreas function (Earth Element) with a balanced diet to evenly maintain your vital energy.

Note: not everyone with challenged digestion will develop diabetes, hemorrhoids or spider veins. Symptoms are legion; the brilliance of Traditional Chinese Medicine is that it points to an underlying causative factor that, in the case of swollen veins and valve laxity, is an Earth Element imbalance.

So what to do if you have varicosity? You might kindly regard your problematic veins as a reminder to enjoy regular meals to help maintain even blood sugar levels. For further support to help prevent or minimize varicosity in the face, legs, feet, vulva or anus, you’ll find relevant information in my Earth Element Blogs.

5 Responses to The Varicose Vein and Blood Sugar Connection

    • I’m sorry, neuropathy is painful and debilitating and western medicine can’t resolve the root of the problem. By supporting one’s overall health with appropriate diet and lifestyle shifts, this can often be reversed or, in the least, held in check. What specific suggestions do I have for you? Regrets, but I can’t know without doing a complete intake. Neuropathy is, however, related to Wood Element (liver/gall bladder) imbalance. You’ll find an abundance of free information re. this on these pages. Good luck.

  1. Are cherry angiomas a result of high blood sugar? I was a fruitarian for 6 weeks and developed a lot of tiny cherry angiomas. I’ve changed my diet, but I still get them.

    Any idea what this would indicate?

    Much Appreciated


    • I don’t know. But Michio Kushi, from whom I first learned face reading, said that freckles resulted from eating too much fruit or sugary foods. As yours started when you were a fruitarian, there could be a connection. Experiment by eating more protein and fat (and less carbs) to see if they stop forming. Let us know your results.

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