Two Types of Chin Wrinkles — One is Preventable

Chin Creases are Innate or Acquired

Of the two types of horizontal chin wrinkles, innate and acquired, the latter can be avoided. Whereas people born with an upturning chin naturally have a wrinkle, see Jasmine, photo #1.

An acquired chin crease gradually forms on, most often, seniors (see Helene #2). It’s therefore called a retirement line. That’s because the kidney system is considered the seat of our chutzpah and the chin is a read-out for it. This is according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, and after 50 years of practicing Face Reading, I concur. 

Constitutional wealth is another term for core kidney energy and that’s why younger people who have depleted this energy (Brittany #3) develop a chin wrinkle. But aging doesn’t have to stamp your chin as there are chin-creaseless seniors such as Albert, (#4). These four accompanying photos are, incidentally, my clients. I thank them for granting photo permissions. 

8-year-old with a chin wrinkle that's formed because her chin naturally upturns.
1. INNATE WRINKLE: 8-year-old Jasmine’s upturned chin causes a natural crease.

No matter your age, if today your chin is undivided, I’ll detail below how you can help keep it that way.  First we’ll examine the underlying causes of both types of chin wrinkles, innate and acquired.

A chin, or the bony knob on the lower jaw is, curiously enough, one defining human characteristic. In contrast, chin-less apes, crocodiles and other animals have lower jaws that sharply slope backward from the teeth. So it’s actually your kitten’s mandible you’re scratching, not her chin.

While most chins protrude a bit, there are variations. Some people are born with a recessed chin, some are flat, and others, like Jasmine’s, jut out enough to cause the skin above it to fold. 

An Upturned Chin Naturally Creates a Wrinkle

For a visual, extend your hand, palm up and note your relatively even skin. Now curl up your finger tips. The more your fingers turn up, the deeper the creases. The more a chin angles up, the deeper its corresponding innate crease.

If your chin is an outie, rejoice. Someone willing to “stick his chin out” is not a push over. A witch caricature boasts a significantly upturned chin, and she’s known for charting her own course. 

If you have inherent courage and tenacity, appreciate this kidney-related strength. You’re considered to be blessed with strong constitutional energy. But whether your core energy is moderate or abundant, how how manage this wealth helps determine how quickly you age.

“Retirement Line”

The second type, an acquired wrinkle, forms on chins that do not up-turn as we see below on Helene and Brittany. Like a scaffold, the teeth and underlying bones help position facial skin. If the jaw loses volume and/or shifts with age, then skin sags and wrinkles blossom. 

71-year-old woman who has developed a chin crease due to aging and kidney depletion.
2. ACQUIRED WRINKLE: As core energy decreases, seniors may develop a chin wrinkle as has 71-year-old Helene.

An acquired horizontal chin crease is observed in people who have depleted their kidney energy. What drains our essential energy? Chronic stress, overwork, illness and poor lifestyle choices are chief causes.   

Helene’s acquired crease is not unusual for someone her age. It aptly suggests that now, she needs to conserve her remaining energy. She sought my help because of bowel concerns and from “feeling tired to the bone.” 

Chin crease forming on a 31-year-old woman with depleated kidney energy.
3. ACQUIRED WRINKLE: At 31, Brittany’s “early” chin crease suggests depleted core energy.

But what about 31-year-old Brittany’s wrinkle? Her primary concerns were fatigue and a sensitive stomach. A New Yorker in the stressful performing arts, Brittany’s following lifestyle choices were not kidney strengthening: late nights, social drinking and a diet of mostly salad, fruit, dairy and snacks. Fortunately Brittany’s acquired crease is just starting to form. Let’s trust she’s making appropriate shifts and rebuilding her energy reserves.

Does this mean that if you are fatigued, drink alcohol and favor salads that you’ll also develop a chin crease? No. Much depends upon your innate energy, genetics, diet, how well you weather stress and your exposure to cold temperatures. But if your formally even chin is now divided north and south perhaps it’s time to shift gears. 

Keeping an Un-creased Chin Un-creased

No chin crease on this 83-year-old man who has maintained his kidney energy.
4. NO CHIN CREASE: Despite Albert’s 83-years of wrinkles, his core energy is well-maintained.

Octogenarian Albert, from Plymouth, England, doesn’t have a chin wrinkle. Presumably his lifestyle has helped. A now retired hand engraver, he remains actively involved with his spiritual community. I found his keen intellect, easy going manner and sense of humor delightful. 

There is no single facial feature, like a chin crease or lack thereof, that provides a diagnosis. However, in comparison to Helene and Brittney, Albert has managed his core energy well.

I’ll end with suggestions for conserving kidney health based on Chinese Five Element Medicine. You’ll find some of them surprising. But first here’s one cautionary note.

What Not to Do for a Chin Wrinkle

Please, don’t be gullible about the slick ads for dermal fillers or injections that claim to “erase” wrinkles. True, chemical intervention temporarily “softens” a chin crease, but it’s a cheap fix. 

Countless Face Reading clients of mine sorely regret the inevitable side effects of invasive treatments. Besides, an elder with a cosmetically younger face is, in the least, incongruent. True beauty is, after all, not reliant on outside intervention. 

Conserve Kidney Vitality to Help Maintain a Smooth Chin

  • Enjoy a balanced life of work, relaxation and play
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Exercise regularly, but not to exhaustion (swimming and martial arts especially strengthen the kidneys)
  • Eat a balanced diet of freshly prepared whole foods
  • Kidney strengthening foods: beans, seeds, nuts, meat, root vegetables, bone stock and seaweed.

How to Tempt a Chin Crease

  • Repeatedly overtax your core energy
  • Use stimulants or drugs
  • Sit, lie or stand for prolonged periods of time
  • Over- or under-consume salt
  • Eat cold, frozen and raw foods

The links refer to blogs at, where you’ll also find more Face Reading information. For kidney-strengthening diet and lifestyle tips, see: Water Element Blog. If interested, you may order your own Face Reading Report via email here.

2 Responses to Two Types of Chin Wrinkles — One is Preventable

  1. I’ve always had an upturned chin. I even tried to get lip filler but was denied because I was told I’d first need filler in my chin or my lip would extend too far.

    I’ve never seen anyone with a chin like mine. 🙁 Do you know if it’s a facial deformity?

    Thank you

    • As stated in this blog, an upturned chin suggestions gumption and is a cause for rejoicing. What will it take for you to delight in this chin that is perfect-for-you? Thank heavens you were denied lip filler; I’ve seen many clients who have used it, had resultant problems and sorely regretted having used filler.

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Information on is intended for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical advice from a doctor or healthcare provider. Rebecca Wood is neither a medical doctor nor a dietician. Use of this presentation does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Note: no single facial indicator (such as wrinkles, discoloration or irregular skin texture) makes a particular diagnosis. is not responsible for the comments, views, or opinions made by site visitors, and the site itself reserves the right to use its own discretion when determining whether or not to remove offensive comments or images. is not responsible for the translation or interpretation of content.

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