Mismatched Face and Neck Color

Mini Face Reading

Dear Rebecca,

My primary concerns are my weight, digestion and chronic fatigue. I’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work. Exercise increases tiredness, inactivity increases weight, diets increase digestive problems. I feel like going into hibernation for a year. — Priyanka

Differing Face and Neck Color

Dear Priyanka,

How frustrating to try different solutions without gain. So let’s get you feeling better. Each Mini Face Reading calls out one feature in particular. In your case, we’ll focus on the subtle color discrepancies between either side of your face as well as your neck.

Do you see that overall your face is more white and pink, especially on the right, than your neck? This clues us that you are not assimilating some of your daily staples and it underlies your weight issues and increasing health complaints. In the Before and After blog, you’ll see how quickly you can regain uniform facial color. For dramatic photos showing discrepancies, see Face Color Different Than Neck Color.

Identify Hard-to-assimilate Foods

Priyanka, you mention that you’ve self-identified some of the foods that seem to make your symptoms worse. Excellent! This observation is the first step to recovery. Next, identify all ingredients problematic to you and eliminate them from your diet. Also make sure that what you do eat is easy to digest. For example, favor soups and stews over fried, baked and packaged goods.

If you wish a comprehensive Face Reading Report, I will help adjust a diet protocol to your specific needs and provide support. As we track your facial indicators, I’ll guide you in making further dietary adjustments. Then we can put a plan in place for reintroducing favorite foods.

Furthermore, to expand your healing protocol beyond Western nutrition, consider practical suggestions from traditional Chinese medicine. You’ll find innovative help for assimilation and skin issues like discoloration on the Metal Element blog.

I extend my heartfelt wishes for your full and speedy recovery. May you be well nourished.

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Information on www.RebeccaWood.com is intended for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical advice from a doctor or healthcare provider. Rebecca Wood is neither a medical doctor nor a dietician. Use of this presentation does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Note: no single facial indicator (such as wrinkles, discoloration or irregular skin texture) makes a particular diagnosis.

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