Bumps Alongside the Nose—Facial Indicators for Uterine and Prostate Health

What Your Gynecologist Doesn’t Know 

A fair-sized bump alongside your nose, or on both sides of your nose, typically corresponds to reproductive health according to Face Reading. Often, the skin color darkens as a precursor to where lumps often will manifest.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, facial irregularities represent an inner-organ disharmony. Deep inside, there’s some energy blockage. It’s rather like a traffic snarl-up. To self-correct and regain your original facial tone, upgrade your diet and lifestyle. After all, our faces mirror our health, and in amazing detail.

Client Photos

Below you’ll find 8 client photos showing such bumps and discoloration. The women portrayed complained of fibroids, infertility or painful menstruation.

The man in photo #5 reported high PSAs (prostate-specific antigens). Photo #6 is a resolved prostate cancer case. The remarkable Before and After photos, #7 and 8, show a man who significantly reduced this discoloration in 30-days.

1. Dark colored skin color where nose sides meet cheeks.

To marvel at how fast we can restore our complexion and inner well-being, see the Before and After photos, #7 and #8. This sequence shows the transformative power of 30 days of targeted self-care. People who wholeheartedly upgrade their diet and lifestyle typically gain dramatic shifts.

2. Darker and slightly swollen nose sides. The right side appears to be more swollen.

Almond-like in Size and Shape

As you can see, these bumps occur in the mid-region of the nose, right where the nose and cheek join. These indictors may appear on one or both sides, rather like saddlebags. Such protrusions are fixed (not movable under the skin) and not tender. 

If you have comparable lumps on your face, not to fret—this is not an emergency. Rather, it offers potentially useful information. Look at photos of yourself from over the past few years. If you’re swollen there today, the odds are that discoloration preceded it.

3. Puffiness and discoloration extends further onto the right cheek. It’s almost as if a dark bull’s-eye is there in the center of her face.

Note: no one symptom clinches a diagnosis. Also, I have observed clients with uterine fibroids requiring surgery who did not have significant irregularities on the nose sides. Other colors and facial areas may point to sexual organ irregularities. 

4. Both the discoloration and lump are greater on her left side.

Is This Believable?

My findings are not clinical, and I’m not asking you to believe them. Rather, I invite you to observe your own face and the faces around you. Then discern.

Why, you may rightly ask, are others not reporting such findings? Popular Face Reading is a pseudoscience. Indeed, 95 percent of contemporary Face Reading focuses on personality and relationships.

5. Man with high PSAs, discoloration and lumps. Of all these clients, this man’s colors are the most variable and aptly reflect his compromised health.

While acupuncturists use medicinal Face Reading, it is but one of their multiple diagnostic tools. In Oriental Medical texts, I’ve found neither widespread photo use nor Before and After photos.

I’m simply observing patterns I see in my clients world-wide. I track faces and symptoms and post the correlations. On these web pages you’ll also find 5-Element Traditional Chinese Face Reading theory.

6. Prostate cancer survivor with swelling on both nose sides. While chemo resolved his cancer, the swelling suggests that his prostate remains somewhat compromised.

Please Copycat Me

Before starting a new diet or undergoing a new course of treatment, read your own photos. Reference my blogs for desired “norms” and typical problem areas. A month later, take an After photo and compare. Do you look better? How do your symptoms compare? You’ll be surprised—and empowered—by your own findings.

7. Before (intake photo)—variable skin color and slight swelling. 
8. 30 days after making targeted dietary shifts his skin color is more uniform and the swelling is slightly reduced. While the overall color varies greatly in these two photos, such color inconsistencies are common with self photos.

How wonderful when health practitioners use Before and After photos as part of their diagnostic tool bag! I encourage this and would love to talk shop with anyone who uses photos accordingly.

Note: Thanks to my clients for generously granting photo permissions. Given that their photos are selfies, they vary in quality. Considering the particularly sensitive nature of today’s topic, I’ve only used a portion of their photos.

12 Responses to Bumps Alongside the Nose—Facial Indicators for Uterine and Prostate Health

  1. Hi there- I have these on the side of my nose! I’m 43- please help! How can I have these assessed as I can’t find any info about it elsewhere. Thanks!

    • How we anticipate the day when more acupuncturists/alternative health care practitioners are using this important information. Until then, one of them would be able to help you address uterine concerns.

  2. The nose on Photo#5 looks like mine. I am 41 years old, male and suffering form nasal bleeding, sinus, constipation, colon pain and skin rashes on my legs/feet. Plus a swollen line on right side of my nose. Is there any cure?

    • Abid, the good news is that there’s a cure! Get started with the “Complexion” blog on this web page. Also, I’ll soon offer a DIY Face Reading package. Yes, you can realize your health goals.

  3. The first photo looks just like my nose! Because these bumps feel boney, I thought I had a broken nose. What is your advice? I’m only 15.

    • Katie, not to worry. Given your age, it’s probably something else. I’d have to see your photo before commenting. You can send your photo in a request for a Mini Face Reading on this page.

  4. I am very interested in this! I have a similar swelling on the right side of my nose. I would like to hear more about symptoms. Was swelling hard or soft?

    • While the location (nose sides, middle of the nose) suggest congested energy in the reproductive organs, the symptoms vary. The swelling is typically soft at first but it can harden in time. The coloring is often darker. There may, or may not be, superficial skin blemishes or irritations.

    • As your uterine congestion clears/dissipates, the irregularities on your nose side will resolve. How do you do this? It requires dietary shifts. Explore the face reading blogs on this page to get started and/or consider purchasing a Face Reading Report.

  5. I have this. What dietary shift should i make to remove this bump? I noticed it became bugger after pregnancy. My baby is now 5 months

    • Hi Kathleen, I’d need to know what you’re eating that contributed to it in the first place! Read through my various blogs and you’ll find your answers. Or, consider having me read your face and I’ll provide you with a comprehensive plan. Good luck.

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Information on www.RebeccaWood.com is intended for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical advice from a doctor or healthcare provider. Rebecca Wood is neither a medical doctor nor a dietician. Use of this presentation does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Note: no single facial indicator (such as wrinkles, discoloration or irregular skin texture) makes a particular diagnosis.

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